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Amazing how exposed it feels when you start this blogging process! I half way expect comments like "What makes you think you're interesting, missie?" Well, I'm probably not. But, some amazing people have shared their time and knowledge with me; so I'm hoping to serve as a bridge between them and anyone who bothers to read my blog. The Travis County Master Gardeners are at the top of that list! take a look at the greenhouse I built after they showed me how. It made it through the snow and ice of winter 2006 and is still going strong this "winter".


Unknown said…
Look at you...blogging and all! Welcome to blogging and I'm so happy to see you up and running. Can't wait to see more.
Anonymous said…
Congrats on the new blog. I look forward to seeing what's happening in your garden over the coming months.

That greenhouse you built is pretty cool---er, warm, I should say. You must have a lot of room in there for overwintering plants and getting seedlings started.

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