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The Little Things

Funny how the smallest things in nature can give us so much pleasure.  This past weekend I noticed that one of the new metalwork items in my garden had been blessed by the addition of  a line of lacewing eggs.


If you're not familiar with lacewings, click here to see the Texas A&M AgriLife Extension page on this fascinating and welcome garden visitor.  Delicate in appearance, they're fairly voracious and consume a long list of undesirable garden pests.  

Fun fact, that little "stick" from which each egg is suspended is likely designed to prevent freshly hatched baby lacewings from eating each other!

All material © 2014 by Vicki Blachman for Playin' Outside
Unauthorized reproduction prohibited.


Debra said…
Oh, brava! What a great shot. Lacewings are my favorite insect.
Rock rose said…
Every piece of metal needs to have a little jewelry.
outlawgardener said…
Your lacewing eggs look very sweet all lined up like that; they resemble one of those desktop ball perpetual motion thingies. They are certainly a sign of great things to come in your garden this season. I'm excited to see you again at this year's fling!
sweetbay said…
Those lacewing eggs are amazing. Glad to hear the iris are doing well!
vbdb said…
Hard to imagine this image was captured on a cell phone! I was so surprised to see the purples and other colors in the metal.
vbdb said…
I certainly hope there will be more such jewels.
Diana said…
What a sweet little scene in the garden. I’m amazed that you saw those little guys - they’re so tiny. Every once in a while I find them in my garden, but on plants, not wrought iron!
Sailorchronos said…
I love your photos and blogs about your garden. I take a bit after my mother in the green thumb department but my garden space is quite small. I've not had the pleasure of blooms yet because my daffodils seem to be on strike and the rest of the garden won't be mature for at least another month. Best of luck to you.

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