This is short, but something I really felt a need to share. There's a delightful Spanish dicho I've been thinking a lot about recently - ""En un jardín crecen más cosas que las que siembra el jardinero." It's generally translated as "more grows in a garden than a gardener sows."
"Surprise" as the noun rather than as startling exclamatory statement as you're jumping out from behind the sofa when someone's not expecting a party. Or maybe it's a feeling better described as wonder, or delight.
It's discovering a bloom, or a tiny lizard, a brief cooling shower, or a trio of migrating Indigo Bunting eating seedheads. It sounds silly, but as I slowly molt into an old, wrinkled crone, surprise and delight are valuable commodities that keep me young in spirit. Far too many things threaten to drag me into a pit of cynicism and irritation, even without our current political cycle of rancor and ignorance. (See? That was the cynical crone creeping in again.)
So as I wander my little urban garden, it's medicinal. Wonder and delight are restored.
When you go outside, what makes you feel like a kid again?
All material © 2008 - 2016 by Vicki Blachman for Playin' Outside.
Unauthorized reproduction prohibited.