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Seasons are Changing on Subscribing


You are clearly a discerning group.  There are less than 100 of you and I'm deeply grateful for each and every one.  However, I'm about to lose all of you.  

Blogger's "easy to follow instructions" to export my subscribers to a CSV don't seem to apply to me, even though I actually do know what a CSV listing is.

After searching every single aspect of my blog, every bit of minutiae behind the curtain,  I found a list of "followers".  But there was no "Analyze", no "Email Subscriptions", nor "Manage Your Email Subscriber List" to open a new page to then export.

So here's my request for a early fall/late summer activity.  Once Blogger gets its subscribe feature working again, or  I decide it's worth a move to WordPress, could I  possibly trouble you to follow me again some day? I'd be ever so grateful.  Otherwise, hope to see you at a Garden Bloggers Fling or even out gardening.

See you again soon and thank you.



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